National Education Month

Bridging the talent gap

The Institute's initiatives to support recruitment:

Project Reframe
Our national career rebranding campaign is a strategic effort to attract new talent to the insurance industry. Insurance is often subjected to unflattering, outdated stereotypes. The goal of the Project Reframe campaign is to correct those outdated views, and to show new audiences that p&c careers can be dynamic and desirable. Phase two of the initiative will launch this year and build on the huge successes of phase one.

Enabling Skills
The CIP program continues to produce the most respected designation in insurance. The program's new Enabling Skills component will add to its competitive edge. It features a series of self-paced, online learning modules that focus on increasingly in-demand competencies such as business acumen, interpersonal communication, customer service, ethics, and professionalism. The skills are often referred to as “soft” or “transferable” and are crucial for insurance workplace success.

Accelerated Competence Series
Our self-paced, five module online program serves as both a knowledge refresher for professionals at any stage of their insurance career and a helpful introductory course for new hires with limited prior knowledge of insurance.