We offer fast-track CIP courses approved by the provincial regulator to help you get licensed faster. Our CIP equivalency classes qualify towards your CIP designation. You can access a number of specific classes with earlier exams to accelerate the licensing process. These classes are specially tailored for brokers and agents who are working to obtain their licence.
There are regular scheduled classes which take place over the semester. For a current CIP schedule with various learning options, please visit our CIP page.
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Exams and fees
For the level 1 licensing (GIE) program, see our licensing page for exam and fee details.
For the CIP courses, students will need to sit for and pass a national exam for each course. Exams operate on a set schedule with exam sessions in December, April and July each year.
Appeals and rewrites
Exam appeals and rewrites for the semester-based courses follow our normal semester guidelines.
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Licensing requirements
Contact the provincial regulator
if you have additional questions
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